Welcome to our action hub, your menhaden conservation command center
This page is your launch pad for creating waves of change, aggregating support, and sharing opportunities to protect the most important fish in the sea.
Here, you'll find a range of ways to make a real difference, from signing petitions and contacting officials to volunteering and spreading awareness.
Whether you're looking to influence policy, support our work financially, or get hands-on with conservation efforts, you'll find the tools and information you need right here.
Your actions today can secure
a thriving ocean for tomorrow.
Sign (and share) the petition to stop industrial menhaden fishing off New York/New Jersey
The Atlantic menhaden reduction fishing industry regularly travels from their home base in the Chesapeake Bay to target menhaden schools off the coasts of Delaware, New Jersey, and New York.
We need your help to stop this industrial-scale fishing in the ecologically sensitive New York/New Jersey Bight that stretches from Cape May, NJ to Montauk, NY.
Sign our petition calling on the Biden administration to enact emergency measures protecting menhaden in this critical region.
Your voice can make a difference in safeguarding marine life, supporting recreational fishing, and preserving the economic benefits of healthy coastal ecosystems.
Atlantic menhaden (bunker) are crucial to marine ecosystems, serving as a primary food source for whales, dolphins, birds, and popular game fish. These small but mighty fish support the health and balance of our ocean's wildlife and are vital for recreational fishing and ecotourism.
However, industrial-scale fishing is removing hundreds of millions of menhaden annually from the Atlantic Ocean. This excessive harvesting threatens the delicate balance of marine life and the economic activities that depend on a healthy menhaden population.
The New York-New Jersey Bight has become a critical feeding area for juvenile humpback whales and striped bass, making the protection of this region even more urgent. Alarmingly, the menhaden fishing industry is now traveling more than 250 miles to target fish in this critical area, disrupting local ecosystems and endangering these vital species.
We call on Commerce Secretary Raimondo to immediately enact emergency regulations to prohibit industrial menhaden fishing in the New York-New Jersey Bight from Cape May to Montauk until science can prove that damage is not being caused. Governor Hochul, Governor Murphy, and any elected official who cares about sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems must weigh in strongly in support of this request.
By signing this petition, I stand with Menhaden Defenders in their call to end reduction fishing. Menhaden are too valuable to take in such large numbers for salmon farms, inexpensive pet food, and foreign profit. This practice must end before it is too late.
Petition Terms and Conditions:
By signing this petition, you, the signatory, acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Voluntary Participation: Your involvement in this petition is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your signature at any time without consequences.
2. Submission of Information: You agree to submit your personal information, such as your name and email address, via this petition. You affirm that all information provided by you is accurate to the best of your knowledge. You agree to sign only for yourself and not on behalf of any other person.
3. Use of Data: The information you provide will be used solely for the purposes of this petition, which include demonstrating public support for the cause and potentially contacting you with updates or related information. Your personal information will not be sold, rented, or shared with third parties for marketing purposes.
4. No Liability: You agree not to hold Menhaden Defenders, nor any of their affiliates, employees, agents, successors, or assigns, liable for any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of or related to your participation in this petition or the use of information provided by you.
5. No Compensation: You understand that your participation in the petition is without any compensation or expectation of compensation.
6. Understanding of Terms: By signing this petition, you affirm that you have read and fully understand these terms and conditions. You acknowledge your consent to these terms is given freely and voluntarily.
7. Contact Us: If you have questions about the petition, require assistance, or, upon signing, decide that you would like to withdraw your signature, please contact Menhaden Defenders .
This agreement constitutes the complete understanding between you and Menhaden Defenders regarding your participation in this petition and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, oral or written, relating to this petition. By signing, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and give your explicit consent to participate under the conditions outlined above.
By spreading the word to your friends, family, and social networks, you multiply our impact and bring us one step closer to protecting menhaden and preserving the delicate balance of our coastal ecosystems.
Your signature is powerful. Now share this petition far and wide.
Menhaden Reduction Fishing Areas: Federal Waters vs. State Restrictions
This map illustrates the complex dynamics of menhaden reduction fishing along the Eastern seaboard of the United States, highlighting the stark contrast between state and federal regulations.
State Waters: Every East coast state — except Virginia — prohibits reduction fishing for menhaden within state waters (from the coastline to 3 nautical miles (nm)).
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): The outer boundary line in deep blue, extends to 200 nautical miles from the coast and represents the limit of U.S. federal jurisdiction.
Reduction Fishing Areas: The area between the orange line (3 nm) and EEZ boundary (200 nm) is where menhaden reduction fishing is permitted under federal regulations.
State Bans: The map visually represents that every coastal state, except Virginia, has banned menhaden reduction fishing within their state waters (0-3 nm).
Federal Waters: Despite state-level bans, the menhaden reduction industry can still operate in federal waters (3-200 nm) along the entire coast.
Regulatory Disconnect: This map highlights the discrepancy between state and federal management of menhaden fishing, where most states have recognized the ecological importance of menhaden and banned reduction fishing, while federal waters remain open to this practice.
The map underscores the need for comprehensive, coast-wide management of menhaden, as the fish do not recognize jurisdictional boundaries and the impact of reduction fishing in federal waters can affect state conservation efforts.
Your financial support is crucial to our ongoing efforts to protect menhaden and advocate for sustainable management practices.
By donating to Menhaden Defenders, you directly contribute to our research, outreach, and advocacy initiatives.
Your contributions help us fight for science-based policies that prioritize the ecological importance of menhaden and the health of our coastal ecosystems.
Help spread the word about the importance of menhaden and the urgent need for their conservation.
By sharing our message on social media, you can raise awareness among your friends, family, and followers, inspiring them to take action.
Share our posts, updates, and calls to action, and together we can create a groundswell of support for sustainable menhaden management.
Join the chorus of American citizens advocating for:
Sustainable, equitable fishing practices
Protection of vital marine ecosystems
Transparent, science-based management
Preservation of coastal community heritage
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