We are a non-profit that works to protect a critical marine fish
and the way of life it supports.

Menhaden Defenders is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and sustainable management of Atlantic and Gulf menhaden.

Founded by a group of concerned anglers, environmentalists, and scientists, we recognize the critical role these forage fish play in maintaining healthy marine ecosystems and supporting thriving coastal communities.

Our team brings together diverse expertise in marine biology, fisheries management, policy advocacy, and public outreach.

We are united by a shared passion for safeguarding menhaden and the countless species that depend on them, from whales and dolphins to seabirds and iconic game fish.

Drop us a line.

Our Mission

Our mission is to restore Atlantic and Gulf menhaden populations to levels that can sustain their vital ecological role and support robust recreational fisheries.

We strive to achieve science-based management that accounts for menhaden's importance as a forage species, ensuring enough menhaden remain in the water to feed the many predators that rely on them.

By advocating for responsible fishing practices, promoting ecosystem-based management, and raising public awareness about the value of menhaden, we aim to create a future where these essential fish thrive, coastal ecosystems flourish, and our kids enjoy the same benefits as us.

What We Do

Ecosystem-Based Management:

We champion the adoption of ecosystem-based reference points that consider menhaden's role as prey when setting catch limits. By advocating for management strategies that prioritize leaving enough menhaden in the water for predators, we work to maintain the ecological balance necessary for healthy marine ecosystems.

Habitat Protection:

We support efforts to safeguard and restore critical menhaden habitat, including spawning grounds and nursery areas, to ensure the long-term health and resilience of menhaden populations. 

Responsible Fishing Practices:

We advocate for fishing methods that minimize bycatch and habitat destruction while promoting sustainable harvest levels. Our efforts include pushing for restrictions on industrial-scale reduction fishing in sensitive coastal areas, supporting the transition to more selective fishing gear, and encouraging practices that reduce conflicts between different fishery sectors.

Research and Monitoring:

We partner with scientific institutions and funding organizations to advance menhaden research, improving our understanding of their biology, ecology, and the factors influencing their abundance and distribution. 

Public Outreach and Education:

Through our website, social media channels, and community events, we educate the public about the ecological importance of menhaden and the threats they face. We produce educational materials, host workshops, and give presentations to schools, fishing clubs, and community groups. Our "No Bunker = No Bass" campaign travels the East Coast, raising awareness about the connection between menhaden and popular game fish. 

Notable Victories:

2012 Milestone: First Harvest Limits in a Century!

In 2012, Menhaden Defenders achieved a significant victory by helping to establish the first harvest limits on menhaden in over 100 years. This landmark decision marked a crucial step towards sustainable management of this vital species.

Ecosystem-Based Management: Pushing for Change

Through persistent advocacy, Menhaden Defenders has successfully pressured the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to implement ecosystem-based catch limits, ensuring more sustainable fishing practices for menhaden

Chesapeake Bay Victory: Limiting Overfishing

Menhaden Defenders played a key role in advocating for and securing a limit on how many menhaden can be caught in the Chesapeake Bay, protecting this crucial nursery ground for the species.

2018 Partnership: Joining Forces with Gotham Whale

Fall 2018 saw Menhaden Defenders form a strategic partnership with Gotham Whale, amplifying our efforts to protect menhaden and support the return of whales to the New York/New Jersey Bight area.

No Bunker = No Bass: Spreading Awareness Nationwide

Our 16-foot long "No Bunker = No Bass" trailer campaign toured the East Coast, effectively raising public awareness about the critical role menhaden play in supporting striped bass populations and overall marine ecosystem health.

Bringing Whales Back to NY/NJ

Our persistent efforts, along with our partners, have contributed to the increased sightings of humpback whales in the New York/New Jersey area, with 12 humpbacks spotted in a single day - a testament to the importance of abundant menhaden populations.

Through our ongoing efforts and your support, Menhaden Defenders continues to fight for the sustainable management of these incredible fish, ensuring their vital role in the marine ecosystem is protected for generations to come.


Join the chorus of American citizens advocating for:

Sustainable, equitable fishing practices
Protection of vital marine ecosystems
Transparent, science-based management
Preservation of coastal community heritage

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